Diete, Fitness & Bellezza by Slurpnet
Diete, Fitness & Bellezza by Slurpnet.iso
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// WMI class definitions for the IE Extension of MSInfo 5.0
#pragma autorecover
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root")
instance of __Namespace
Name = "CIMV2";
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2")
instance of __Namespace
Name = "Applications";
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2\\Applications")
instance of __Namespace
Name = "MicrosoftIE";
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2\\Applications\\MicrosoftIE")
//* Declare an instance of the __Win32Provider so as to "register" the IE
//* provider.
instance of __Win32Provider as $P
Name = "ieinfo5";
ClsId = "{25959BEF-E700-11D2-A7AF-00C04F806200}";
ImpersonationLevel = 1;
PerUserInitialization = TRUE;
instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration
Provider = $P;
SupportsGet = TRUE;
SupportsPut = FALSE;
SupportsEnumeration = TRUE;
SupportsDelete = FALSE;
QuerySupportLevels = NULL;
[Abstract, Description (
"The ManagedSystemElement class is the base class for the system element "
"hierarchy. Membership Criteria: Any distinguishable component of a "
"system is a candidate for inclusion in this class.<P>Examples: Software "
"components, such as files; and devices, such as disk drives and "
"controllers, and physical components such as chips and cards."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C517-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class CIM_ManagedSystemElement
[MaxLen (64) : ToSubClass , Description (
"The Caption property is a short textual description (one-line string) "
"of the object."): ToSubClass , Read : ToSubClass ]
string Caption ;
[Description (
"The Description property provides a textual description of the object. "
): ToSubClass , Read : ToSubClass ]
string Description ;
[Description (
"A datetime value indicating when the object was installed. A lack of a "
"value does not indicate that the object is not installed."): ToSubClass ,
MappingStrings {"MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5"} : ToSubClass , Read : ToSubClass ]
datetime InstallDate ;
[Description (
"The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When "
"subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property."
): ToSubClass , Read : ToSubClass ]
string Name ;
[MaxLen (10) : ToSubClass , Description (
"A string indicating the current status of the object. "
"Various operational and non-operational statuses can be "
"defined. Operational statuses are \"OK\", \"Degraded\" "
"and \"Pred Fail\". \"Pred Fail\" indicates that an Element "
"may be functioning properly but predicting a failure in the "
"near future. An example is a SMART-enabled hard drive. "
"Non-operational statuses can also be specified. These are "
"\"Error\", \"Starting\", \"Stopping\" and \"Service\". "
"The latter, \"Service\", could apply during mirror-"
"resilvering of a disk, reload of a user permissions list, "
"or other administrative work. Not all such work is on-line, "
"yet the Managed Element is neither \"OK\" nor in one of the "
"other states.") : ToSubClass ,
ValueMap {"OK", "Error", "Degraded", "Unknown", "Pred Fail",
"Starting", "Stopping", "Service"} : ToSubClass ]
string Status;
[Abstract, Description (
"The CIM_LogicalElement class is the base class for all the components "
"of the system that represent abstract system components.<P>Example: "
"Profiles, processes, or system capabilities in the form of logical "
"devices."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C518-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class CIM_LogicalElement:CIM_ManagedSystemElement
[abstract, Description (
" The CIM_SoftwareElement class is used to decompose a "
"CIM_SoftwareFeature object into a set of individually manageable or "
"deployable parts for a particular platform. A software element's "
"platform is uniquely identified by its underlying hardware "
"architecture and operating system (for example Sun Solaris on Sun "
"Sparc or Windows NT on Intel). As such, to understand the details of "
"how the functionality of a particular software feature is provided on "
"a particular platform, the CIM_SoftwareElement objects referenced by "
"CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement associations are organized in "
"disjoint sets based on the TargetOperatingSystem property. A "
"CIM_SoftwareElement object captures the management details of a part "
"or component in one of four states characterized by the "
"SoftwareElementState property. "): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C561-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class CIM_SoftwareElement:CIM_LogicalElement
[read : ToSubClass, key, maxlen (256) : ToSubClass , override ("Name") : ToSubClass , Description (
"The name used to identify this software element"): ToSubClass ]
string Name ;
[read : ToSubClass, key, Maxlen (64) : ToSubClass , Description (
"Version should be in the form <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or <Major>."
"<Minor><letter><revision>"): ToSubClass , Mappingstrings {
"MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.3"} : ToSubClass ]
string Version ;
[read : ToSubClass, key, Description (
" The SoftwareElementState is defined in this model to identify various "
"states of a software elements life cycle. - A software element in the "
"deployable state describes the details necessary to successful "
"distribute it and the details (conditions and actions) required to "
"create a software element in the installable state (i.e, the next "
"state). - A software element in the installable state describes "
"the details necessary to successfully install it and the details ("
"conditions and actions required to create a software element in the "
"executable state (i.e., the next state). - A software element in the "
"executable state describes the details necessary to successfully "
"start it and the details (conditions and actions required to create "
"a software element in the running state (i.e., the next state). - "
"A software element in the running state describes the details "
"necessary to monitor and operate on a start element."): ToSubClass , Values {
"Deployable", "Installable", "Executable", "Running"} : ToSubClass ]
uint16 SoftwareElementState ;
[read : ToSubClass, key, maxlen (256) : ToSubClass , Description (
" This is an identifier for this software element and is designed to be "
"used in conjunction with other keys to create a unique representation "
"of this SoftwareElement"): ToSubClass ]
string SoftwareElementID ;
[read : ToSubClass, key, Mappingstrings {
"MIF.DMTF|Software Component Information|002.5"} : ToSubClass , Description (
" The Target Operating System property allows the provider to specify "
"the operating system environment. The value of this property does not "
"ensure binary executable. Two other pieces of information are needed. "
" First, the version of the OS needs to be specified. using the OS "
"Version Check. The second piece of information is the architecture the "
"OS runs on. This information is capture with the ArchitectureCheck "
"class. The combination of these constructs allows the provider to "
"clearly identify the level of OS required for a particular software "
"element."): ToSubClass , Values {"Unknown", "Other"